Preparing for Today’s Workforce: A Curriculum for Teens for grades 9+
Ready-to-use lessons/packets that help students understand what will be
expected of them as employees.
Guiding Students to Better Work Experiences
A new approach in preparing students for the world of work with an exposure to real workplace problems and their solutions! The Advantage Press Workforce Skills Program will:
- Give students insight into today’s job expectations, workforce attitudes, effective customer and coworker relations and contemporary workplace issues
- Teach essential pre-employment skills to all students including workplace ethics and employer expectations
- Provide job remediation tips for co-op students including methods to resolve conflicts and ways to learn from mistakes
Overview of the Workforce Skills Program
There are five volumes in the Preparing for Today’s Workforce program, each explores a different workplace theme: Job Expectations, Workforce Attitudes, Coworker Relations, Customer Relations and Workplace Issues. Each volume has nine unique subject matter related topics. Throughout, an emphasis is placed on the importance of workplace ethics.
The Preparing for Today’s Workforce series is designed to give all students insight into employee attitudes and actions that have an impact (positively or negatively) on customers, employers and coworkers. Lessons provide for meaningful classroom discussion opportunities.
The Workforce series can also be used effectively with students participating in school sponsored cooperative education programs. A separate set of lesson questions help these students to remediate a specific work issue.
Overview of Packets in the Workforce Skills Program
All packets in the Workforce Skills program follow the same format:
- Packets begin with 5-6 pages of text that explores a particular employee issue. Causes, consequences, and problem prevention tips are part of each lesson.
- Each packet includes 2-3 case studies allowing for an in-depth look at a specific workplace issue.
- Two 2-page question formats follow: set number one developed for all students; set number two for coop students.
- Two content puzzles are in each packet (crossword and word search). Teacher answers included.
There are five volumes in the workforce skills series which can be purchased individually or as a discount set.