We encourage you to review our Samples. Please download, print and try them with students. If you agree Advantage Press programs are a valued resource for refocusing problem behavior, standardizing discipline and reiterating and reinforcing school expectations, please place your order.

Return Policy for Online Purchase:

When you purchase our Download Now programs from our online store, you can be approved for a refund if the product is proven defective OR duplicate orders were made at the online store. You’ll appreciate that while these conditions are guidelines for a refund, all refunds are made at the sole discretion of Advantage Press.

Applying for a Refund for Online Purchase
   Email: Sales
Please include your name, school name, reason for request and product(s) purchased. Please include “Refund Request” in the subject. We will reply within two business days. Upon approval, we require a signed and returned contractual letter of Download Destruction where you agree and are instructed to destroy the refunded Advantage Press files.

Return Policy for Fax, Email and Postal Purchase:

If, within two weeks of receiving your order, you are unsatisfied, you can be approved for a refund.

Applying for a Refund for Fax, Email and Postal Purchase
   Email: Sales
Please include your name, school name, reason for request and product(s) purchased. Please include “Refund Request” in the subject. We will reply within two business days. Upon approval, we require a signed and returned contractual Letter of Destruction where you agree and are instructed to destroy the refunded Advantage Press files as well as additional instructions for the return of the product.